2019 AGM- Update from the Chair
Since the 2018 AGM, we have worked so hard and we are making progress, unfortunately, little progress is visible to the community, because we’ve focused on the Sport England bid and moving forward with MUGA, disabled access and Table Tennis Tables project. We’ve upped our game with the council and diverted our time from fundraising events to active applications for funding. We’ve also pushed for work on the Green (improvements to the surface) and consolidated our 5 year plan – MUGA, Green, Playground, Pavilion.
We started compiling the specification for MUGA, TT Tables and DDA footpath with Jane Richardson at Gedling Borough Council in August 2018. The specification allowed us to request soft quotes and feed into the bid for Sport England. This year we upped our meetings with council and developed a portfolio of evidence. Evidence includes: 5 year plan, donations summary, community consultations, letters of support from schools, clubs, councillors, police, Mr Coaker MP, medical practices, etc. Work is still on-going.
We’ve gathered support for Groups Involvement:
- Wildcats Basketball Club – provision of outreach sessions
- Sycamore Table Tennis Club – provision of outreach sessions
- Cricket Nott’s cricket board (Street Cricket)– provision of cricket equipment and training for a community volunteer
- U3A – Still working on
Match funding:
- September applied to Aviva Community Fund to resurface the green – unsuccessful
- LIS funding to resurface the Green – considered part of Gedling maintenance so we did not apply.
- Applications have been submitted to Building societies Nottingham & Skipton – Spring 2019
- Co-op application for Table Tennis bats and balls – Summer 2019
- Jigsaw Foundation/Gedling Homes – we will resubmit the bid in the Spring 2020
Contact with Gedling Borough Council
- 4 – 6 weekly meetings with Jane Richardson and Fiona Hextall to progress the project
- CIL funding little prospect, feedback from Lewis Widdowson
- Resurfacing bowling green Melvyn Cryer – 2 quotes -£3k seeding £10k turfing
- Freedom of information requests GBC getting somewhere – latest is
“The Council is usually minded to match fund successful funding bids” - Having to contact Highways to ask for clearing paths, continually having to contact GBC over maintenance – grass cutting – litter.
Community Involvement
- Meetings open to all and published on website.
- Publicity from BBC Inside Out program – September 2018
- Spooktacular event – October 2018
- Local door-to-door survey for Sport England bid (residents’ consent for MUGA)- March 2019
- Stall at St John’s Church Summer Fair -Community consultation – June 2019
- St John’s Playgroup ‘Last Day” – consult parents at playgroup – July 2019.
- No summer community event at the park
- Tried to establish contact with community groups to support development of the pavilion, put on hold as minimal interest at this stage – We visited Eco-house/ Passive – St Ann’s Allotments.
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